Designated Roles and Responsibilities

At Murrow Pre-School staff have designated roles and responsibilities for different areas. Staff are responsible for these roles have had full training and refresh this training On a regular basis. We also attend any training in between to keep up to date with the many changes that come in to place.

The designated people for Murrow Pre-School are as follows;

Wendy Hopkin - Manager, Child Protection designated officer, Behaviour management, Special Educational Needs coordinator (SENCO) and Equal Opportunities coordinator, Looked after and post looked after designated officer. Wendy has also completed fire training, safer recruitment training and health and safety and Prevent training. FGM training and is the EHA assessment coordinator.

Hannah Brown- Deputy Manager, Special Education Needs and Disabilities coordinator.

All staff are First aid trained and have food and hygiene level 2 certificates.

We very much welcome your input in to these roles and are always available to talk to you.

There may be times were you are unsure for example if your child has special needs or you may be worried about a child's safety or would like help at home with strategies for your child's behaviour. This is what we are trained for so please come and speak to us and we will do our very best to help you.

Support for Children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities

Murrow Preschool welcomes children with all SEND needs. We aim to ensure every child's needs are met and they are included fully in the setting. If your child has Special Education needs or a disability then please telephone Wendy who will be happy to discuss your child's needs and ensure they are fully met.

Please note that our building is fully accessible for wheel chairs and we have a designated parking space available.

A right to be included

Murrow Pre-School ensures that every child:

  • has an equal chance to learn and develop

  • participates equally in activities

  • is given the opportunity to communicate in their preferred format

  • has their individual needs known and met

  • feels safe and know they belong

  • is valued as a unique individual and additional

  • feels strong and confident about their identity.